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Friday, September 2, 2011

ceritera raya..raya kerr??

unfortunately there is no raya for me this pathetic right??so what??i'm a big girl and a big girl dont need raya like a girl with ponny tail, colourful fluffy handbags, flowery sandals, socks with renda2 and what so ever..(ok,totally ayat nak menyedapkan hati)..babe, sape taknak raya??setahun sekali jea kot..lantak laa kau da tua bangka pon still nak rasa kemeriahan raya kan??tambah2 dah penat puasa sebulan..this is the time to take revenge kan??but this year tak sempat nak raya pon..totally tak keluar rumah langsung..ala2 gadis melayu terakhir yang duduk kat dapur buat air and hidang biskut raya plus ketupat plus rendang and bla bla bla..kasut raya yang beli langsung tak pakai lagi..baju raya pakai for almost half an hour..(i think tak sampai pon half an hour) tu pun sebab nak raya with family, aunty, uncle and bla bla bla..(i dont know why lately i feel so malas nak type banyak2 so i use the word bla bla bla)..only one thing that g0od this raya..i nampak penimbang and i naik and wow, my berat turun,i totally tak percaya..i turun and naik balik..still the same..i turun and check again kot2 ada parallax error or zero error on that scale..its totally have no prob at all..i'm 38kg..wee~~

this is wat i am wearing on my first day of raya..sadis betul..

tak sempat snap pic mase raya, mase on the way balik kl pon boleh laa..

dah laa fourth day of raya dah nak kena balik kl..-__________________-"..
dah laa jam sampai tak gerak.. -________________________-"..
dah laa terpaksa membazir masa dalam kereta for almost 10 hours (try laa duduk dalam kereta in 10 hours without getting your butt cramp) -______________________-"
dah laa tak boleh tidur langsung all the way balik kl sebab takut cousin aku yang drive tu ngantuk..
dah laa TAK RAYA THIS YEAR.. wuarghhhh..;'(

p/s : selamat hari raya..maaf zahir batin..pic raya pun takde coz tak raya..;'(

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