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Friday, November 25, 2011

everytime i saw you

everytime i saw u, i want to hide and surprise that u will told me that im cute..

everytime i saw u, i want to put your arm on mine and show the difference of our skin that u will get angry and i will say that im just joking..

everytime i saw you, i want to walk by your that u will say that im short..

everytime i saw you, i want to play with you that u will say that you like it when i play with your fingers..

everytime i saw you, i want to fight with that you will fight with me back..because its make me happy..

everytime i saw you, i want to tell you everything that happen to that you will know everything about me..

everytime i saw you, i want to make ugly funny that you will laugh and say that im adorable..

and now, everytime i saw you, i want to tell you that how i regret that i didnt tell you that how much i love you..

but i won't see you..anymore..

Thursday, November 24, 2011

there goes the tears

yeah i know..i never fall in love before..and even now im not sure if i really fall in just so hard for me to admit that i have fall in love..because im scared im gonna hurt..but watever it is, it still hurt me..alot.. for the first time i felt like im gonna die because of it..its i wish no one will feel the same thing as what i feel just too much..3 days without food, sleep, laugh or even talk..i have forgot how to smile.. the same fingers that use to hold my fingers, the same arm that use to hug me tight when i sleep..the same eyes that use to stare deep in my eyes..the same shoulder that i use to sleep on..the same lips that use to kiss me is no longer mine..i have to accept it..i know he is no longer mine..the way he smile to me, the way he talk to me, is no longer the same..i miss that moment..the moment when we are all together..making stupid jokes..laugh like we are the most happiest people in this world..i dont want to look pathetic.. so i have to show that i can bear with it..although deep inside my heart, im dying.. 

miss this moment so much..when we are all still together..those smile, im not sure if i can see it again..

the tears..time to let it go..

Monday, November 21, 2011

wan zaharul nizam giteww

menyampah mak..kenapa bile mak suke orang jea, mesti ade orang lain suke dia jugak..macam ni mak taknak suke sape2 jelaa..jadi andartu gojes giteww..ok la..fine..sekarang tengah admirer si wan zaharulnizam plak..jangan korang cakap korang tak kenal dia okayy..tapi actually kalau betul korang tak kenal dia lagi okay..takde laa korang nak menyibuk nanti..nak suke dia jugakk kann.. laa dia wan zaharulnizam or orang panggil dia kecik jea..kebetulan best friend aku plak kawan dia..tak kire..macam mane pon aku nak usha jugak dia..korang jangan kacau okehh..daa~~

first day second sem

nahhh..hari ni da second day da..but since semalam terlampau sibuk yang amat, so tak sempat nak post..nothing excited about second sem athor than terpaksa belajr lagi another sem..luckily dah last sabor jelaa yea..masih dalam azam baru..azam lama da campak dalam lombong..taknak fikir about last sem dah..since still dalam azam baru kan memang baik laa..pernah tak bile korang exam then macam takleh jawab sangat then korang fikir after this aku nak belajar betul2..same laa..tapi biasanye bertahan dalam 2 3 hari jea..muehehehe..paling lame this time tengok jelaa..ok da..malas da..bye~~

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

our jokes #2

part 1
location : lecture hall
watak : lecturer and student
lecturer : so student, tau tak small angle ni kite panggil ape??
student : tak tau
lecturer : angle ni kite panggil acute angle sebab dia cute..
student : ouhhhh..
lecturer : so, kalau angle yang besar kite panggil ape??
student : not cuteee..
lecturer : bukan..kite panggil obtuse sebab dia besar..
student : kalau besar sikit lagi mesti obese..
lecturer : !@#$%^&*(!@#$%^&*(

part 2
location : lecture hall
watak : lecturer and student
lecturer : so, these are the formulas that will be given in your test..
student : ouh, okay..
lectuer : i think 2 pages of formulas are more than enough for you..
student : i need yellow pages..
lecturer : @#$%^&*((*&^%$#

part 3
location : discussion room
watak : fiq, aiman, mat, pn mas
pn mas : so group 1 present masalah 2 present pembuangan 3, kamu nak tajuk ape??
fiq : rempit..
pn mas : tak boleh..tu dah termasuk dalam masalah sosial..
mat : rogol..
pn mas : tak boleh..tu pun masalah sosial..
aiman : manchester menang 3-0..
mat : eh ape plak..tu dah mausk kes pembuangan bayi..
pn mas : @#$*^$#%&#

our jokes #1

when we get bored, we jokes around..actually its not just when we get bored..we jokes around like 24/7..gelak jea memanjang..sampai orang akan fikir, ape yang kelakar sangat??dude, get a life..
part 1 
location : library
watak : mija, aku, wanie, megat, hanif
megat : (masukkan plastik gula2 dalam kotak pensel wanie)
wanie : ha'ah..kotak pensel i memang tempat buang sampah sebenarnye..
megat : ouh yeke??nah ambik ni..(keluarkan sampah dalam kotak pensel dia and masukkan dalam kotak pensel wanie)
mija : laa, yeke..ambik ni jugak.. (buat same macam megat)
aku : nah, ambik aku punye sampah jugak..hanif, kau takde sampah ke nak masukkan dalam kotak pensel wanie??
wanie : eh, kau laa masuk sekali..
aku : wtf??&^%$#@!*&^%$

part 2
location : anjung siswa
watak : mija and aku
dengan penuh seronok lepak kat meja batu..then nampak ada satu paper ditampal atas meja batu tu..
aku : mija, try tgk paper ni..
mija : ape??ouh, jangan tinggalkan sampah di atas meja ini..
aku : dia cakap jangan tinggalkan atas, tinggalkan kat bawah meja boleh laa kn??
mija :, kau laa duduk bawah tu..
aku : wtf..kena lagi..&^%$#@#$&^*

biasanye aku laa yang jadi mangsa buli..(macam takleh pecaye jea??bukan selalu aku ke yang buli orang) 

Monday, November 14, 2011

masquerade photoshoot

yeah,i know dah lama gile tak hengat aku tak hapdate blog ni..ampun mak, ayah, tok, nek, cucu sibuk mengalahkan PM..sebelum exam cakap sibuk nak prepare untuk exam (prepare laa sangat..sejam study, 3 jam layan movie hindustan)..mase exam cakap sibuk sebab exam..lepas exam sibuk lagi??elehh..betol laa aku sibuk.. sibuk qada tidur yang tak cukup masa exam..bluekk..dengki laa, masa cuti ni sempat laa jugak pergi menempel muka kat camera2 mahal abang photographer..

nak tengok banyak lagi pergi laa jenguk kt sini..