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Friday, May 20, 2011

bila mata tak nak tidur

its 2.58 a.m ryte n0w..duhh..sumpah xleh tid0 doe..actually da tido td..not exactly tido..trying to..since pk0l 12 x dpat..last2 bngun n bkak lappy.. hurmm..
for dis few days, byase at dis time tgh gayut mlm ney dye blik klantan laa plak..i mean its not bcz of dye blik klantan xleh gayut ngan dye..da pr0b is dye dlam bas 0tw blik klantan..n he said xleh gayut cz tk0t bsing.. org laen nk tido..bt0l jgk kn..da la creepy gile dlm blik ak ney..ttbe seram sejuk mlm i wish ahnaf bleh tman ak gayut at dis least xde la creepy sgt..

td b4 tido rase cm nk nanges..2 days left b4 i starts my new life as a college student..b4 dis sumpah smangat x hengat nk smbung blaja.. eksyen jea lebih..
dyla da berangkat da hari ni..g0nna miss u darla..

luckily mieza still 0n9..actually dye tgh gayut ngan hilal..ak sruh laa dye tman ak chat kjap..nk hilangkn creepy..

and and, ak x tau knape, ttbe rse nk dgr lagu all about us - he is sdg melayan dat song at utube..dat song xde sentimental value pon for me but for ahnaf, its mean al0t.. there r a story behind dat gonna tell bout dat laen kali..da try upload dat vid but seems like got pr0b just check it out here ok..
da2..klau ikot mate ak,byk lagu ak nk membebel kt next time laa plak ok..daa~~
p/s:hari ney first time ak anta bunga kt not gonna tell u bout dat time ok..
asta lavista..

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