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Monday, May 30, 2011

first lecture

hurmmm.not bad..because i am awesome..everything were great..tak penat pon..enj0y the lecture and tak sabar nak tunggu next lecture..
with azzah at cafe before start lecture..

lecture start pukul 8 pagi..kami dah ada kat cafe pukul 7 pagi..semangat first day..

inilah jadual lecture untuk first sem..xdenye aku dapat jadual cntik mcm ni..setelah di modified maka jd la mcm ni..

p/s : actually xde m0od nak update bl0g cz ade update jgkk..

budak jakun baru dapat kad matrik

dah kalau muka tak cantik, macam mana nak dapat kad matrik cantik..duhh..komplen je tahu..s0, hari ni secara officialnya aku bergelar siswa kolej matrikulasi perak..(actually memang dah official masa daftar lagi tapi sebab tak dapat kad matrik, so tak rasa cam official)..dah agak dah kad matrik buruk sebab masa daftar muka serabai sangat2..tak tahu plak nak kena tangkap gambar kan..ingatkan just bagi je gambar pasport yang dah ada..kalau tau da lama aku mekap 14 inci..

inilah rupenye bdk excited dpat kad matrik walaupun buruk..

nk pose muka ke kad matrik ney???

ini gambar pasport yang sepatutnye digunakan untuk buat kad matrik tapi kolej aku memang suruh buat 
gambar baru..takut ada kecurian identiti..duhh..

hurmmm..after majlis penutup orientasi tadi, serious rasa cam nak nangis doe..sedih sangat2 bila fikir ni la last aku boleh have fun..after this memang nak kena struggle gilak punya..memang penat but at least fun..g0nna remember this moment sampai bila2..waa~~sob2..emosi tak stabil..

p/s : tak sempat jugak nak upload pic roomate..nanti2 la ye..

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

i miss y0u

i really miss know its you because i always tell you that i miss you..

p/s : lupa nak update..semalam masa tengah gayut,ada orang ajar i perkataan baru tau..OMK..stands for Oh Mak Kau..for those yang dah tahu about this ok laa..but for me yang never heard this shortform before, memang gelak golek2 la..

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

third day as matric's victim

OMG OMG..this is freaking awesome..i never thought its g0nna be this fun..KOLEJ MATRIKULASI PERAK, u r the best..i'm glad i've been chosen to come here..memang laa penat but its n0rmal during orientation week right..duhh,all da activities are fun..s0, my roomates are fatihah, syahira and amalina..their pictures will be uploaded s0on..the r0om is superb big and comfort.. lecture hall, exam r0om, library, labs, all are so damn great..i know i sounds really jakun right now but who cares..aku dapat masuk matrik, kau dapat ke??(haha, sumpah statement ni p0yo please just ignore it)..s0,sepanjang minggu orientasi ni, abang2 n kakak2 ex student kmpk datang as AJKO-ahli jawatankuasa organisasi..since matrik memang tak ada senior cz semua pon program satu tahun, so tak ade la masalah tak suka senior kan..minggu orientasi ni memang a bit memenatkan..actually bukan a bit laa..memang penat gilak..dah 3 hari aku tak jumpa nasi tau..tak tahu la dah turun berapa kg..penat sangat2 sampai at one point jadi tension sebab tak cukup rest..but thank god for sending me someone to make my day bright..semalam tension cz aktiviti habis pukul dia sebab nak cerita pasal tension2 ni..dengar jea suara dia terus,macam mana la dia nak percaya yang aku ni tengah tension..he always there whenever i need him..thank you s0o much..s0 n0w, nothing can stop me from achieving my dream..NOTHING..everything is here..its just the matter of how i handle it..i'll pr0ve to everyone that i can get 4 flat and continue my degree on september 2012..wee~~tak sabar yang amat sangat nak start kuliah..setahun tak lama..tahan jela sekejap..
p/s : walaupun aktiviti habis lambat and penat, still sempat gayut dengan dia everynight until kalau penat pon tak boleh salahkan orang lain..kau bergayut sampai pagi sape suruh??

Sunday, May 22, 2011

selamat tinggal kawanku

i think, this g0nna be my last entry since i'm going to matriculati0n tomorr0w.. right now, i'm t0tally don't know what am i suppose to feel.. its not my first time leaving home since i've been living at hostel for almost 3 years, no such thing i'm gonna be homesick or what..but what i kn0w for sure, i'm gonna miss all my guys complete my life..

0mg..i'm crying..what the hell..duhh..cengeng gila..tak perlu kot nak nanges2 ni..bukannye aku pergi tak balik pon..adoii..
p/s : see you soon dyla, mieza, atyra and syasya..gonna miss you guys like hell..

Saturday, May 21, 2011

saya babysitter import

duhh..sumpah bosan gile..ttbe tergerak hati nk bkak pic2 yg da berkurun ade dlm lappy ak nih..pic zaman sebelum perang pon ade..then ttbe jumpe pic mse cuti skola ari 2..since ak abes spm, lame la ak bertapa kt klantan mse cuti 2..kt klantan, cazen ak sorg ney ade anak lelaki umur 3 keje ak babysit bdak ni laa.. bdak ni nme dye airil harisz tp kitorg pnggil airil jea..

naahhh..aman dunia klau dye tido..

upss..bukan mengelat ea..da name pon babysitter..klau da bdak 2 tido, nk babysit sape kn??so tido jgk laa..

erk,babysitter tido mati..jap lg airil ntah kemana, dye bleh x sedar lg..adoiyai..

jeng jeng jeng..jumpe pon ahmad albab nih..haiy0h..

jgn terpedaya..ini hanyalah lakonan semata-mata..sumpah bdak ni pndai acting doe..after snap pic dye nanges, tros ok..

3, 2, 1, and action!!!

da cut ke belom nih producer??sy da penat belakon babak2 air mata ni..

haa..2 laa dia airil harisz..after ak blik kl, dye pon keep on pg bilik ak panggil ak..rindu aunty amy yea?? nnti aunty blik okeyh..asta lavista..
p/s : airil kt klantan pnggil name jea..ak kt kl 7 hari 7 mlm nanges x berenti..duhh..

Friday, May 20, 2011

matrik's student to-be

2 more days 2 go..i'll be the next victim of kolej matrikulasi gopeng, perak.. hari ney dyla da officially daftar as uitm's victim.. duhhh, excited pon ade..sedih pon ade..watever p0n, life must go on..chehh, ayat cm putus cinta..padahal nk msuk matriks jea pon..kecoh,all da preparations da siap.. tnggu nk pergi jea..x bwak byk barang since baru first time pergi..(ckp jela alasan so that lpas ni boleh sruh papa n ibu slalu pergi utk anta barang)..genius..

baju-baju yg still x msukkan dlm beg cz x muat..

haa..khazanah berharga ney xleh tinggal..

beg yg da terlebih muatan

baju kurung ibu ckp x payah bwk, bawak 6 pasang jela dulu..
haa,xde laa byk sgt kan..ingt plak mse chat ngan mieza smlm, dye bwak kasut jea 5 pasang, handbag jea da 3, baju kurung xyah ckp laa..stok utk 3 tahun punye..ney mmg kes xnak blik lngsung da ke ape??ak pnye barang x byk cz kos stahun,juz tnggu masa jela nk angkat barang n pergi..asta lavista..
p/s : mase tgh lipat baju nk msukkan dlm beg smlm ibu bleh tnye,'nk lari dari rumah ke bik?'..

bila boyfriend saya dirampas orang

first of all, sebelum memulakan my story, ak nk bg tau dulu..title entry ini adalah rekaan semata-mata.. saje bg gempak..yg dirampas 2 bukan my boyfiee pon..hehe..but still i admire him..i think most of khairul fahmi che mat fans dah tahu kot yg jejaka idaman malaya 2 da bertunang on 17 mei 2011 dengan aimie sharmelia aka jejari gigit jari jela, entry dis time juz nk pr0ve h0w lucky i am to have my besties around me..maybe for u guys its not a big deal but for me it show dat my besties always there for me..walaupun after that dorg mencarut-carut da..sorry guys.. the end free jea dpat bengong..i love u guys s0o much..tanx for always be there for me..asta lavista..
p/s : ignore last comment from farrah dyla..she always be dat way..out of topic..but i still love her..

flower for him as i said b4, ak ada hantar bunga kt one guy..first guy yg dpat bunga from me..he is not my boyfiee okayh..please dont misunderstand..he is my BESTFRIEND..i know it sounds weird when a girl have a boy bestfriend..but u know wat, i dont give a i care..i love being his bestfriend..we've g0t our own st0ry..
naahh..back to my besties ney got problem and really,h0w would u feel if someone dat u really care deeply heartbroken..same goes with me..dats y dtg idea nk surprisekn dye..xde niat pon nk flirty or anything..h0nest, the only thing in my mind is to see his smile pergi laa google search.. search flower store nearby dgn tmpat study dye..bing0,found for order..n settle..
really worth it when saw his smile..

sape ckp guy x suke bile dpat bunga??its proven dat not only girls happy when they got flowers..

haha..obviously its my name there..full name lg..

duhh,uniform da macho..badan skali dpat bunga babe..
ngee~~so,moral of da story is u will happy when u make others happy..i am willing to do anything as long as i can see ur smile..always smile cz it means alot to me..asta lavista..
p/s : dari smlm x tido..(refer post b4 dis)..tnggu pak cik ney blik klantan..n dye da slamat smpai..

bila mata tak nak tidur

its 2.58 a.m ryte n0w..duhh..sumpah xleh tid0 doe..actually da tido td..not exactly tido..trying to..since pk0l 12 x dpat..last2 bngun n bkak lappy.. hurmm..
for dis few days, byase at dis time tgh gayut mlm ney dye blik klantan laa plak..i mean its not bcz of dye blik klantan xleh gayut ngan dye..da pr0b is dye dlam bas 0tw blik klantan..n he said xleh gayut cz tk0t bsing.. org laen nk tido..bt0l jgk kn..da la creepy gile dlm blik ak ney..ttbe seram sejuk mlm i wish ahnaf bleh tman ak gayut at dis least xde la creepy sgt..

td b4 tido rase cm nk nanges..2 days left b4 i starts my new life as a college student..b4 dis sumpah smangat x hengat nk smbung blaja.. eksyen jea lebih..
dyla da berangkat da hari ni..g0nna miss u darla..

luckily mieza still 0n9..actually dye tgh gayut ngan hilal..ak sruh laa dye tman ak chat kjap..nk hilangkn creepy..

and and, ak x tau knape, ttbe rse nk dgr lagu all about us - he is sdg melayan dat song at utube..dat song xde sentimental value pon for me but for ahnaf, its mean al0t.. there r a story behind dat gonna tell bout dat laen kali..da try upload dat vid but seems like got pr0b just check it out here ok..
da2..klau ikot mate ak,byk lagu ak nk membebel kt next time laa plak ok..daa~~
p/s:hari ney first time ak anta bunga kt not gonna tell u bout dat time ok..
asta lavista..