Tuesday, December 31, 2013
another year passed
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
gila tak rindu??
al kisah laa, aku sekarang stay kat bilik syaza, member masa kt kmpk sementara nak buat rayuan kolej ni..roomate syaza ni plak classmate aku.. nampak tak relation dia kat situ..so selalu laa lepak and borak sambil makan and buat keje malam2.. tiba2 syaza tanya madi, roomate dia merangkap classmate aku tu, macam mana dengan bf dia..aku tau laa sikit2 cerita pasal madi n bf dia ni..syaza cakap dorang ni jarang contact sebab jauh and masing2 sibuk dengan urusan belajar..bf madi study dekat pahang..then madi cakap both of them decide tak nak contact each other sangat for a while..biar masing2 ada ruang nak uruskan diri sendiri..so syaza tanya laa tak rindu ke.. then madi cakap "gila tak rindu..kalau dia rindu aku, aku sejuta kali lagi rindu kat dia"..
somehow, benda ni buat aku terfikir..untungnya madi and bf dia, boleh saling rindu and sayang..bila pulak turn aku??bukan aku tak nak, tapi aku tak boleh.. i mean aku da try, tapi macam takde perasaan je aku ni.. mayat hidup..siapa laa agaknya orang yang akan dapat buat aku ada perasaan nanti..mesti dia someone yang hebat..sebab aku sendiri pon tak dapat nak buat diri aku sayang orang..
yang pasti, aku tau orang tu wujud..cuma aku je tak jumpa dia lagi..curious pulak nak tau macam mana orang tu..kalau lahh ada doremon, aku dah pinjam dah mesin masa dia..tp masalah jugak sebab mesin masa dia dalam laci meja..mana aku muat nak masuk.. haa..kan dah melalut..ok lah..nak tunggu lelaki hebat tu muncul dulu ye..tadaa..
Monday, September 9, 2013
kekasih utusan Allah swt
happy belated birthday syg..i hope u had a great one..maaf ye tak wish u on dat day..i kena grounded hari tu..phone, internet semua kena ambik..serious ayah i marah sebab.... i yg cari pasal..haha..nakalnye..nmpak je baik..adoii..
anyway i had nothing special to give as a present..just this piece of plain paper with my bad handwriting.. hee..and..yeah, a shawl for you..i know you like shawl but i dont know which or what kind..harap you suka..klau tak suka bagi i balik laa..haha..lama i pilih..sampai bosan tuan kedai..
meera sayang..i really2 appreciate you as a friend.. you've been really special one..with your special self and a very kind heart..baiknya hati you..moga Allah balas semuanya dan moga Allah panjangkan lagi persahabatan kita hingga syurga..insyaAllah..
i bagi you selendang ni...dengan harapan you akan pakai..dan ia akan pelihara mahkota you..moga Allah terus bagi you petunjukNya dan kekuatan untuk jadi muslimah yg lebih baik..i nak masuk syurga..and i nak you ada sama..aminn..moga Dia izinkan..
p/s : surat ni dari syahirah sempena my 20th birthday.. aku kongsikan sebab aku terlalu bersyukur dianugerahi sahabat sepertinya..ya Allah, peliharalah hubungan ini..di kala ramai yang cuba menyakiti, dia sentiasa di sisi dan menghargai diri ini..semoga persahabatan ini sampai ke syurga..aminn..
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
My path
Whenever i feel like there is nothing i can do, or i dont know what else can i do, i tend to write it..same goes this time..i really dont know what else can i do..i never want it to be like this..at one point, i really thought that i can leave my life peacefully again..at one point, i really thought i have got my life back.. Its not easy, i swear to god..to forget everything that has happen..but i take it as one of my life experience..i learn something from that..i learn to forgive and forget..i never intended to hurt anyone..that i even want to take their pain and give them my happiness..i know i am not the good girl here..but i try to be one..i know Allah swt will always be with me.. May all this make me stronger..when the cut have became a scar, it bleeds again..and i know it will heal again.. Eventually.. Because im stronger now..oh Allah, thanks for giving me the strength..for me not to deal the problems wrongly..and please always be with me..and guide my path..
Sunday, July 28, 2013
God have better plan
Everytime something bad happen, i always think it happen for a reason..ada hikmah di sebalik setiap kejadian..but sometimes i just cant find a good reason behind what happen..because what can i feel is just pain and tears..i always ask is it true there is always a good reason behind everything that happen?? But i have faith in Allah swt..i know he knows what is the best for everyone.. Sometimes we dont know what is the best for us..we just want something that can make us happy..but it doesnt mean that is the best for us..he gave us rain when we hope for the sun shine..but we dont know later on he gave us a beautiful rainbow..
All this while, i keep on searching for good reasons of what have happen to me..but i can only see tears in my eyes..but now i know..he want me to wait patiently until the right time comes..and at that time, the happiness that i get is more than what i want..its worth waiting for..because now i can smile again..
I never thought a small word, a single message would change my world.. And i wouldnt ask anything anymore..its already enough for me..because i already get my smile again..
Thank you, Allah..for listening my prayer..
Thank you my old friend.. Because you have give me back my smile..
There is nothing i want more..
Monday, July 22, 2013
Camwhore dengan varsity matriks
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Friday, July 19, 2013
cinta dan anugerah
Thursday, July 18, 2013
she is just a girl
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Meatball craving at ikea
Dinner at johnny's restaurant alamanda
Monday, June 24, 2013
born this way
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
cara atasi rasa marah
Monday, May 6, 2013
Short story
Day after day,they got closer and closer..they do much things together..but they doesnt feel anything..just friend..until one day,this guy have problem with his girlfriend and they broke off..this guy was miserable since he already love that girl for four years..this girl,as a friend cant look the sad face.. She decide to do anything to heal his pain..
As days pass, the guy start to love his girl friend..and he told her his feeling..but for this girl, she is not ready for any commitment yet.. And that girl keep telling to herself that she cant love this guy..because he is just her friend..she create thousands of reason to close her heart..so they continue as friends.. Nothing change..
Days pass..this girl start to feel special..the way that guy treated her,talk to her, protect her make she feel happy..she thought maybe this is the guy to whom she can trust to take care of her heart..she prepare a special day to tell the guy about her feelings..she sure the guy will be happy to hear that..
But that guy has changed..he is no longer the same guy..that girl decide to send him a text message and told him how much that she missed him..she sure that guy missed her too..
And then that guy replied.. "im sorry..the thing is i already have another girl and i really care about her..but we are still friends.."..tear drops slowly down her cheek..she cant think of anything but her fingers still replying the text message.. "great to hear that..congrats.."..after the mesaage was sent,she fall to the deepest dark hole and until now she still finding a eay to get out of that hole..
The end
rise and shine
ameera roslan
Saturday, May 4, 2013
demam PRU
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Thursday, April 18, 2013
Sarawak trip #1
Well i know my blog dah bersawang..syuhhh syuhh..see..i manage to halau all the spider already..so this is just a pre post about my class trip to sarawak..day 1.. Never been here before..cant wait for tomorrow programs..stay tune..
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
semua orang nak cantik
Monday, February 11, 2013
adat berkawan
Friday, February 1, 2013
Aku anak kampung #1
Haaa..maka sampailah daku di kampung tercinta bermanja dengan tok wan tercinta (bermanja la sangat)..mukaddimah dia da sejam setengah (kena bebel dengan tok wan la tu)..pastu tok wan nak masak sup sayur..geledah peti ais sayur non hado..hamek kau..nak masak ape..maka cucu solehah ini disuruhnya ke kedai pok loh beli sayur..katanya nak lobak and kubis..jangan terkejut kalau aku tanya macam mana rupa benda alah tu (anak dara moden la katakan)..whip cream,esen vanila,gula castor aku kenal la.. Tok wan cakap tanya je orang tu..adeh..mano nak tarok muko ni ha..buat muka konfiden jela..
Maka kuredah panas terik mencari sayur demi tok wan terchenta..tok wan cakap ada jalan pintas cross ikot rumah orang and jalan sempit..mau sesat aku dalam hutan belukar tu..aku redah je jalan tar walauoun jauh and panas sikit..sampai kat kedai buat muka konfiden ambik sayur yang tok wan nak..ambik banyak sikit tak pe asal tok wan puas hati..setakat rm10 aku sanggup..mak cik tu tanya datang dari mana..cakap la rumah belakang sane (muncung panjang sejengkal nak tunjuk jauhnye rumah)..mak cik tu tanya rumah sape..cakap la wan hashimi..mak cik tu cakap laaa rumah wan mie (panggilan manja pak cik aku kot)..belakang ni je..lalu lorong ni terus sampai..kenapa ikot jalan jauh..adeh..padan muka aku tak dengar cakap tok wan..aku tanya mak cik tu berapa semua sayur aku ambik..dalam hati bajet rm10..mak cik tu cakap rm4..mak oi..tau macam tu aku beli satu kedai..so balik aku ikut jalan kecik tu..yay..ini lah untung kat kampung..mak cik jual sayur yang ringan mulut bertanya dari mana kalau orang dia tak biasa nampak (nak harap aku tanya memang berjanggut la) and mak cik jual sayur yang boleh kenal semua orang sampai kampung sebelah and jalan shortcut redah belukar and sayur half price berbanding kt kl..chow..
P/s : aku update pakai fon nokia 3310i je..so xde la signature and x colourful..